This is where antenarrative participates with heteroglossia. Instead it utilizes the dialectic of deviation-amplification and deviation counteraction to show dynamically changing meanings. Spiral antenarrative goes beyond linear and cybernetic, closed signal loop, systems. The process of moving from the nebulous and chaotic story to a narrative with a beginning middle and end is the antenarrative faith that story fragments will make retrospective sense some time in the future. ‘Without faith in the purpose- fulness of, and rationality of art, listeners would abandon their attempts to understand, to reconcile deviants to what has gone before or to look for their raison d’être in what is still to come’ (1956: 75).". In a recent description of the bet aspect of antenarrative Karl Weick has said "To talk about antenarrative as a bet is also to invoke an important structure in sense-making namely, the presumption of logic (Meyer, 1956).

The antenarrative is pre-narrative, a bet that a fragmented polyphonic story will make retrospective, narrative, sense in the future. Other scholars that have utilized antenarrative include Barge 2004 Collins & Rainwater, 2005 Durant, Gardner & Taylor, 2006 Vickers, 2005 Yolles, 2007 Grow 2009. Research in the journal, Organization Science, has recently found a number of nationally oriented antenarratives that are utilized in cross border mergers and acquisitions. The other two uses are spiral and rhizome antenarratives. The first two uses of antenarrative are as the before(ante)-narrative, existing as story is turned to narrative, and a bet (ante) narrative, placed in hopes that something will become a retrospective narrative. While aspects of this process have been studied by other disciplines under other names for centuries, the term "antenarrative", coined by David Boje in 2001, has four primary uses.

This is because Antenarrative shifts the perspective taken when asking "why?" Where Causation in the physical sciences answers why with physical properties antenarrative reorients why to embrace human intentionality, imagination, and agency.

Where causal logic in the hard sciences says the past leads to the present which results in the future this reverses the temporal logic of causality, where many potential futures draw on different aspects of the past to generate narratives in the present. In antenarrative theory the many ends of a narrative come first, then the elements of the past come next, leading to the creation of a narrative. For example, antenarrative bets on the future, which are things one imagines may come into being even if that imagination is not fully formed, draw on aspects of the past, those experiences someone has lived through, to form a coherent narrative, a telling with a beginning middle and end. Antenarrative is the process by which retrospective narrative is linked to living story.